How To Avoid Water Damage in Your Rental Property

How To Avoid Water Damage in Your Rental Property

Ever woken up to an email from your tenant about a burst pipe? Water damage can mean costly repairs and lost rental income for you. The good news is that proactive steps can significantly reduce the risk of leaks and keep your investment property – and your peace of mind – secure. Drew Doheny Property Management Team has written this guide to equip you with key strategies to prevent water damage, from routine maintenance checks to identifying hidden dangers before they strike. Let's ensure your rental property stays hazard-free, keep readin…

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Costs That Landlords Don’t Notice They’re Accruing

Costs That Landlords Don’t Notice They’re Accruing

Are you a landlord who is faced with the expenses that come with investing? You have come to the right place! To be a successful landlord, it is important to ensure your costs are organized and to monitor overspending. The fewer unnecessary costs you have, the more profit you’ll be able to make. Sometimes, though, you may find yourself overspending. This is especially true if you’re still new to the business or are busy with growing your portfolio. In this article, Drew Doheny’s Property Management Team is here to walk you through 5 costs to…

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Why Rental Properties Are Still a Good Investment When Interest Rates Rise

Why Rental Properties Are Still a Good Investment When Interest Rates Rise

Interest rates are frequently used as a gauge of the state of the economy. Many prospective investors reconsider when they rise since the expense of financing and upkeep of rental properties can significantly affect returns. However, rental properties continue to be a desirable investment option because of their potential for stable cash flow, tax advantages, diversification, and long-term appreciation, making them a compelling choice for investors even in an environment with higher interest rates. We'll discuss why rental properties benefit f…

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Important Factors for Real Estate Investing

Important Factors for Real Estate Investing

Getting into real estate isn't just about buying and selling places; it's more like a big puzzle where lots of things fit together. Market trends, economic indicators, and demographic shifts form the cornerstone of effective real estate investing. The ability to discern and interpret these patterns empowers investors to make informed decisions, mitigating risks and capitalize on emerging opportunities. Let's have a look at some of the important factors to consider for real estate investing: Market Analysis The market is ever-changing, and bei…

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End of Tenancy Cleaning

End of Tenancy Cleaning

The end of tenancy cleaning is a critical component of the property management process for landlords and rental property owners. When tenants move out, the property must be restored to a pristine condition not only to welcome new tenants but also to maintain the value of the property. Importance of End of Tenancy Cleaning For landlords, the goal of end of tenancy cleaning is twofold: ensuring that the property is attractive to prospective renters and safeguarding the asset's long-term value. A well-maintained property tends to rent more quickly…

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